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Until she introduced "magic cheese" to her sick and aging bulldog, Laura Bugni-Daniel watched him suffer for two years. He’d spend his days lying down or throwing up.


Today, at age 12, he plays like a puppy through the day, his fur is soft and he sleeps at night, soothed not by magic, but by the dose of marijuana in that cheese.

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The Soviets made space dog Laika a national hero and Americans have fallen for presidential pets from Checkers to Bo.


In Venezuela, a rare breed of shaggy sheepdog has come to symbolize the patriotic legacy of the late Hugo Chavez.

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Dairy cows with a serious case of flatulence have simultaneously ’broken wind’ and blown up a building in a fiery explosion.


No doubt there were all sorts of "whoever smelt it dealt it" accusations flying around amongst the herd afterwards.

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An Israeli draft law that would criminalize the use of the word Nazi in most cases has sparked a debate on freedom of speech in a state that was founded out of the ashes of the Holocaust.


Seven decades later, memories of the extermination of millions of Jews during World War II permeate virtually every aspect of life in Israel. Public figures and interest groups frequently invoke the World War II genocide to score political points, and the word and Nazi symbols have slipped into Israeli discourse over the years.

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In Washington, some officials privately disdain Europe’s fury as overly theatrical.


The attitude that spying is rampant everywhere, and Europe should just get over it, is also widespread.

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Municipalities hosting ancient castles around Japan are under siege as aging castle towers restored in the post-World War II economic boom are in desperate need of replacement or refurbishment.


While some localities are ready to renovate existing concrete castle towers, others are hoping to fund the much pricier recreation of the wooden structures that originally stood long ago.

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Doing the night shift throws the body "into chaos" and could cause long-term damage, warn researchers.


Shift work has been linked to higher rates of type 2 diabetes, heart attacks and cancer. Now scientists at the Sleep Research Centre in Surrey have uncovered the disruption shift work causes at the deepest molecular level. Experts said the scale, speed and severity of damage caused by being awake at night was a surprise.

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Thieves accused of stealing a religious relic stained with Polish pope John Paul II’s blood threw it away thinking it worthless, Italian media said on Thursday, reporting the police had detained three people.


Police recovered the object’s metal frame but could not find the cloth, believed to be part of the robe the pontiff was wearing when he was shot in an assassination attempt in St Peter’s Square in 1981.

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About a dozen four-legged practitioners of stand-up paddle boarding took to the waves with their human owners off Rio de Janeiro’s Barra Beach, practicing for a second annual competition next month in which canine-human teams race around buoys.


"The idea started when I was on my board and my dog was tied up on the beach. I said to myself, ’Man he wants to come to the water!’ so I put him on the board and he loved it," said Marco Sarnelli, the event organizer.

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Here’s a man who has been using ’Close-up’ brand of toothpaste for seven years in the hope of attracting a female. However, his hopes have been dashed and now he has decided to sue the brand as it has not aided him in attracting ladies with fresh smelling breath as the toothpaste ads suggest, according to Geobeats.


According to the 26-year-old man, Athony Olatunfe, Unilever Nigeria Limited has been sued and he has demanded that the company prove its claims with lab tests.

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Two Czechs have breathed new life into telephone booths made obsolete in the cell phone age, converting them into mini libraries with the first installed at a Prague hospital recently.


On the shelves of the red booth, patients of the IKEM hospital will find a plethora of genres, including works by US crime writer John Grisham, Czech and Russian titles and biographer Andrew Morton’s "Diana: Her True Story".

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Germany and Brazil are drafting a U.N. General Assembly resolution that would demand an end to excessive spying and invasion of privacy after a former U.S. intelligence contractor revealed massive international surveillance programs, U.N. diplomats said on Friday.


Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have both condemned the widespread snooping by the U.S. National Security Agency.

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The guide dog that leaped onto subway tracks after his blind owner lost consciousness and fell off a station platform is assured a loving home after his retirement.


Cecil Williams, who has been recovering at a hospital with Orlando still by his side, had been slated to get another working dog in January or February to replace the 11-year-old black Lab.

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Kissing helps us assess potential partners if, like a Jane Austen heroine, we cannot wait forever for Mr Darcy to come along, a study suggests.


Scientists believe kissing helps people judge the quality of a potential mate through taste, smell and fitness.

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The wearable computing craze went to the dogs with startup Whistle introducing a smart pendant that tracks physical activity levels and sleep patterns in canines.


"Whistle was inspired by my love of dogs," co-founder and chief executive Ben Jacobs said as his pooch, Duke, darted about a dog park near the company’s office in San Francisco.

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There have been more than one thousand planets confirmed outside our Solar System, but only a few are within star clusters.


Using the European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) HARPS instrument, researchers have found three new planets in the star cluster Messier 67.

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Saudi Arabia’s feared religious police entered a public park in the Gulf Kingdom and told women to stop using swings, an act that drew applause and criticism by viewers of a picture showing the men warning some women at the swings.


The picture went viral on social networks in Saudi Arabia before it was published by newspapers showing two men from the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice warning women against using the swings.

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A bomb exploded in a bustling food market in Pakistan’s eastern city of Lahore on Wednesday, killing one person and wounding 13 others, officials said.


The blast hit Anarkali bazaar in the old city area of Lahore, Pakistan’s second-largest city and capital of relatively peaceful Punjab province.

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A couple who root for Ohio State say they’ve made sure their baby daughter embraces their football allegiance by giving her a name that implies automatic fandom: Scarlet Gray.


And those are the colors that Justin and Kim King’s 3-month-old daughter wears as her family watches Saturday games on their big-screen television.

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A disgruntled viewer is suing Japan’s national broadcaster for mental distress caused by an excessive use of words borrowed from English.


Hoji Takahashi, 71, is seeking 1.4 million yen in damages from NHK.

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