「我以為是一隻鼴鼠。」(譯註:本漫畫影射電玩遊樂場內常見的 Whac-A-Mole 打地鼠遊戲。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3114&next=1
「我以為是一隻鼴鼠。」(譯註:本漫畫影射電玩遊樂場內常見的 Whac-A-Mole 打地鼠遊戲。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3114&next=1
「我以為你說她的課很簡單。」(譯註:本漫畫顛覆 as easy as pie (形容輕而易舉就能做到的東西)這個片語,因為這名數學老師正是一個 pie 派。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3110&next=1
「你罹患了犬小病毒腸炎。」高飛狗的身世之謎終於在一場意外中解開了。(譯註:parvo 犬小病毒腸炎是一種犬類動物疾病,而有關迪士尼卡通角色 Goofy 是狗還是人的爭論仍在國外持續著。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3106&next=1
「老大,IMAX 大銀幕裂開了,而且完全沒辦法使用了。」「唔嗯嗯…我們需要某個可以播放電影的東西。有沒有什麼想法?」金卡達夏終於找到有建設性的工作了(譯註:本漫畫影射以臀部大著稱的美國電視實境節目女明星 Kim Kardashian 金卡達夏。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3102&next=1
成 群結隊繞過石頭 支持八十八號提案,和我一起開始使用潔淨的能源! 投給七十號提案,讓我們的孩子在學校裡蠕動 鰻魚普選(譯註:本漫畫影射 electric eel 電鰻,因為 electorate 的讀音和 electric 近似。而 lamprey 八目鰻則是影射美國學校決定要求學生在校內禱告所引發的爭議。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3098&next=1
「你這時候最好放鬆一點!記住,聖誕老人不會拜訪愛糾結的男生跟女生。」(譯註:本漫畫影射聖誕老人不會送禮物給不乖的小孩,而 knotty「糾結的」的讀音和 naughty 「不乖的」相同。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3094&next=1
觀 賞流星的最佳地點 茂納基亞山天文台 猶他州布萊斯峽谷 澳洲艾爾斯岩 「泰德,那又是入侵者嗎?」禁止進入 納金特家大宅院(譯註:夏威夷的茂納基亞山天文台以太空觀測而聞名全球;美國猶他州的布萊斯谷地和澳洲的艾爾斯岩是全球絕佳的觀星地點;Ted Nugent 則是熱愛打獵的美國搖滾明星,因此 shooting star 在此從本意「流星」被曲解成「開槍射擊的明星」。) |
流動廁所 鬼靈精的小膀胱那天漲大了三倍(譯註:The Grinch 鬼靈精是著名兒童文學作家蘇斯博士筆下的角色。而本漫畫影射鬼靈精在故事最後學會要愛聖誕節之後,他的心臟變大了三倍。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3086&next=1
對鄉村音樂人士保持尊重態度 以克里斯蓋恩斯的化名錄製唱片(譯註:本漫畫影射美國知名鄉村歌手 Garth Brooks 化名 Chris Gaines 發行搖滾樂專輯,結果這張專輯發行後引起鄉村音樂界負面反應的事。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3082&next=1
Vicars are buying karaoke-like machines to play music during their services to solve the difficulty of finding an organist.
The ’electronic hymnals’ have a vast repertoire of music and can play anything from traditional Songs Of Praise to a disco version of Amazing Grace.
Swatch has published a version of its annual report in the Swiss-German dialect for which there is no standard written form, the latest act of rebellion from the watchmaker which has long enjoyed provoking the Swiss business establishment.
The move to publish in dialect rather than standard German - one of Switzerland’s four official languages including French and Italian in which the report was also issued - was meant to underpin Swatch Group SA’s Swiss roots and values, Chief Executive Nick Hayek told a media conference.
A restaurant server was confronted with the woman accused of stealing her identity.
Brianna Priddy’s wallet was stolen on Feb. 13 during a night out with friends.
Police in Nepal’s capital Kathmandu have launched a campaign to round up cows roaming the streets, blaming the sacred animals for car accidents and traffic jams.
"The stray cows and oxen have been a big nuisance in Kathmandu streets. They not only cause accidents, but also make the streets untidy," Pawan Giri, spokesman for the Kathmandu Metropolitan Traffic Police, told AFP.
New research depicts William Shakespeare as a grain hoarder, moneylender and tax dodger who became a wealthy businessman during a time of famine.
Academics from Aberystwyth University in Wales combed through historical archives to uncover details of the playwright’s parallel life as a merchant and property owner whose practices sometimes brought him into conflict with the law.
Being overweight is not just bad for waistlines but for brains too, say researchers who have linked obesity to declining mental performance.
Experts are not sure why this might be, but say metabolic changes such as high blood sugar and raised cholesterol are likely to be involved.
With its violent crimes, high unemployment, dwindling population and financial crisis, Detroit was named as the most miserable city in the United States.
It toppled Miami, which held the title last year, and surpassed Flint, Michigan, Rockford and Chicago in Illinois and Modesto, California, which rounded out the five most unhappy urban areas.
In Washington state, dairymen, freshmen and even penmanship could soon be things of the past.
Over the past six years, state officials have engaged in the onerous task of changing the language used in the state’s copious laws, including thousands of words and phrases, many written more than a century ago when the idea of women working on police forces or on fishing boats wasn’t a consideration.
Fans of San Lorenzo, one of Argentina’s most popular football clubs, are in heaven: one of their own just became pope, a feather in the cap for a team founded by a priest.
"The new pope, from San Lorenzo, is more important even than Diego Maradona or (tango singer) Carlos Gardel," enthused Marcelo Ladelfa, invoking the most Argentinian of superlatives.
A rare Chinese bowl bought for about $3 from a yard sale in the U.S. sold for $2.2 million at an auction in New York on Tuesday.
The Ding bowl from the Northern Song Dynasty was bought for $3 in 2007.