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A giant panda on loan to Belgium from China has given birth to a cub, a rare event for the endangered species, the Pairi Daiza zoo said Thursday.


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One in five mothers feels "namer’s remorse" and would pick another name for their child if they had the choice, according to a survey.

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More than half of Britons want Prince William to be the next King of England instead of Prince Charles. According to a recent poll, 54 per cent want the accession to skip a generation when the Queen passes away, with Prince William taking the throne in place of his father.


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What could be a bigger motivator than crisp, green dollar bills in the workplace? Obviously, the melty cheesiness of pizza.

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Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg rarely pulls punches, but even by her own standards of fierceness, she recently took things to a new level of frankness.


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A small stray dog had won hearts all over the world after deciding to follow an Australian runner for several days during an ultramarathon through China’s forbidding Gobi desert.

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A card game that satirizes North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s regime will be launched at the end of this year. "Dear Leader" is designed to "satirize the real horrors of the Hermit Kingdom that still manages to be hilarious,’" game designer Tim Hutchings said.


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ITV is switching off all seven of its channels for an hour to encourage people to get off their sofas and take part in sport following Team GB’s Olympics success.

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Donald Trump keeps in touch with all the television networks, but right now he has only one on speed dial: Fox News.

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The planet would warm by searing 10C if all fossil fuels are burned, according to a new study, leaving some regions uninhabitable and wreaking profound damage on human health, food supplies and the global economy.

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An extreme marathon runner has launched an appeal to be reunited with a stray dog with whom he formed an "unbreakable bond" during a 250-kilometre race in the Gobi desert in China.


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Even if you exercise regularly, too much sitting can still be bad for your heart, the American Heart Association (AHA) warns. "Based on existing evidence, we found that U.S. adults are sedentary for about six to eight hours a day," said Deborah Rohm Young, chair of the AHA panel that wrote the new advisory.


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Soon after Liz Willock got into the back of Ellis Hill’s car, their conversation touched on the Rio Olympic Games, with Willock mentioning that she knew someone competing there.

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Soon after Liz Willock got into the back of Ellis Hill’s car, their conversation touched on the Rio Olympic Games, with Willock mentioning that she knew someone competing there.

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According to a report released by Oxfam, the US, China, Japan, Germany, France and the UK, which together make up 56.6% of global GDP, between them host just 2.1 million refugees: 8.9% of the world’s total.


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Parents who restrict their children to a vegan diet could face a jail term if a controversial bill is passed by the Italian parliament. It has been proposed by Elvira Savino of the centre-right Forza Italia party.

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The ocean has gotten noisier for decades, with man-made racket from oil drilling, shipping and construction linked to signs of stress in marine life that include beached whales and baby crabs with scrambled navigational signals.

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