The planet would warm by searing 10C if all fossil fuels are burned, according to a new study, leaving some regions uninhabitable and wreaking profound damage on human health, food supplies and the global economy.
The Arctic, already warming fast today, would heat up even more – 20C by 2300 – the new research into the extreme scenario found.
The carbon already emitted by burning fossil fuels has driven significant global warming, with 2016 near certain to succeed 2015 as the hottest year ever recorded. Other recent studies have shown that extreme heat waves could push the climate beyond human endurance in parts of the world such as the Gulf, making them uninhabitable.
The new work, published in Nature Climate Change, considers the impact of emitting 5tn tonnes of carbon emissions. The researchers used a series of sophisticated climate models and found this rise in CO2 would lead to surface temperatures rising by an average of 8C across the world by 2300. When the effect of other greenhouse gases is added, the rise climbs to 10C.
searing:形容詞,劇烈的;灼熱的。例句:The searing heat of the sun at noon was intolerable. (中午的熾熱陽光令人無法忍受。)
uninhabitable:形容詞,不宜居住的。例句:After the massive earthquake, the village is now uninhabitable. (這座村落遭強烈地震襲擊後,已不宜人居。)
sophisticated:形容詞,精密的。例句:Advanced countries vie to develop sophisticated weapons. (先進國家競相發展尖端武器。)
全通翻譯引用自 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=1025360&day=2016-08-25