A card game that satirizes North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s regime will be launched at the end of this year. "Dear Leader" is designed to "satirize the real horrors of the Hermit Kingdom that still manages to be hilarious,’" game designer Tim Hutchings said.
According to Forbes magazine, "Dear Leader" is a four-player card game that puts people into the shoes of Kim and his advisors. While one player becomes the notorious dictator, the others play the advisors, who praise the leader.
At each round, one player draws a "policy card" that describes a possible threat to Kim’s regime. The advisors have to come up with solutions while praising and extrapolating Kim’s ideas. The one who pleases Kim the most can be the next leader.
Hutchings started raising money for the game through U.S. crowd-funding website Kickstarter on July 25. As of Wednesday (local time), he had $22,052, nearly double the original target. Hutchings said the cards will state the real harm that Kim’s regime has caused to North Korea’s people and the international community.
poke fun at:動詞片語,取笑,嘲弄。例句:You shouldn’t poke fun at him just because he can’t ride a bicycle.(你不應該只因為他不會騎腳踏車而嘲笑他。)
hermit:名詞,隱士,隱者。例句:Some Chinese intellectuals like to be hermits.(有些中國知識份子喜歡當隱士。)
notorious:形容詞,惡名昭彰,聲名狼藉。例句:They’re ntorious liars !(他們是惡名昭彰的騙子!)
全通翻譯社 引用自 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=1026979&day=2016-08-30