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◎ 劉宜庭


Russia has begun testing samples from the outside of the International Space Station, believing that they may contain traces of extraterrestrial life. Russia’s space agency, Roscosmos, said it believed that comet dust on the surface of the ISS could include alien microorganisms.

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Video of a goose running up to hug its owner is taking the internet by storm – on the KATV Facebook page alone, the video has more than 18 million views. The gander’s owner says they made the video to attract the male goose a mate.


The animals at Cyndie Adams farm in Dennard aren’t simply barnyard animals, they aren’t pets either – rather the flock is more like family. All the animals have a special bond with their owner, and all the animals are rescues.

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A 20-year-old goldfish, Bob, had been struggling to swim in his tank for a number of weeks after developing the lump on its fin, so the family took him to their local veterinarian and paid £200 to remove the lump. The operation lasted 30 minutes and it was so successful.


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Ever since US President Donald Trump declared that he would withdraw the US from the landmark Paris climate change agreement, much has been made of the fact only two other countries have not signed up.


They are Syria, and the Central American nation of Nicaragua - but the US is very different from either. Syria has been embroiled in a civil war for six years, leaving 300,000 dead, so it is perhaps understandable that it did not participate in talks.

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Beauty sleep is a real thing. People who miss out on sleep do appear less attractive to others. They are rated by strangers as less healthy and approachable when they have tired faces.

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The battle against climate change is increasingly moving into the courtroom, a study released May 23 found. Individuals and groups around the world are suing their federal governments (but especially the United States) to take action on climate change.

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Princess Mako, the oldest of Emperor Akihito’s four grandchildren, left for a one-week visit to the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan on May 31.


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Two Florida librarians have been suspended for allegedly creating bogus borrowers, in order to outwit automated book-culling software designed to ditch titles that are not being read.


An investigation was sparked after an anonymous complaint was filed to Lake County municipal staff. The investigation revealed several fake identities with false addresses and drivers’ license numbers.

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Edmund Hall knows that alcohol "isn’t the answer" to trauma, but after the deadly Manchester bombing he felt the least he could do was buy emergency service workers a drink.


The London consultant and lifeboat volunteer set up a crowdfunding page to raise 1,000 pounds to foot bar bills, "because people working shifts after a bombing shouldn’t buy their own drinks". "It seems a simple and easy way to say thank you," he wrote on the Just Giving page, putting down 100 pounds himself and encouraging others to give what they could afford.

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U.S. coffee chain Starbucks is pulling out all the stops to blend in with its first cafe in Uji, Kyoto Prefecture, giving it a local tea culture theme and matching decor.


The coffee shop will be opened by the front gate of Byodoin temple, a UNESCO World Heritage site, on March 31, Starbucks Coffee Japan Ltd. said on Feb. 7.

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Millionaire tells millennials:If you want a house, stop buying avocado toast 富豪忠告千禧世代:想買房,就別再買酪梨吐司

Tim Gurner, a luxury property developer in Melbourne, is facing heat for comments he made on 60 Minutes in Australia, implying that young people can’t afford to buy property because they’re wasting money on overpriced toast and coffee.


"When I was trying to buy my first home, I wasn’t buying smashed avocado for $19 and four coffees at $4 each," he said.

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’Lady Cynthia’ rhododendron bush puts Canada town on the map 「辛西亞夫人」杜鵑花叢讓加拿大小鎮聲名大噪


A small Canadian town hopes to become a tourist attraction thanks to the internet fame of a homeowner’s giant rhododendron. The 7.6m by 9.1m bush in Ladysmith, British Columbia, is now in peak bloom. The 115-year-old botanical wonder - known as Lady Cynthia - will carry about 4,000 spring blossoms over the next couple of weeks. The rhododendron is often confused for a tree but is actually a shrub.


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A 10-year-old Houston girl had a brush with death after swallowing a piece of the latest must-have toy — a fidget spinner. Britton Joniec underwent emergency surgery on Monday.



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Women are more controlling and aggressive than men in relationships 女性在關係上比男性更愛控制、更具侵略性



Men are often thought to be the more aggressive partner, but a new study suggests this is not the case. Women are more likely than men to be aggressive and controlling towards their partner, according to the study.

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Lola is barely old enough to write the letters N-A-A-C-P yet bears a striking resemblance to its founder and anti-lynching activist Ida B. Wells.

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There was a time between the 1990s and mid-2000s when dressing head-to-toe in designer clothing emblazoned with logos was a sign of wealth and success. Now, people are using scalpels to slice logos off.



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An overweight dog has shed 37kg after its owner was told she was "killing it with kindness". Tyko, a cross-breed Corgi, was so fat he could only take a couple of steps before becoming breathless and slumping to the ground. The dog was taken into care by the Scottish SPCA after the owner was prosecuted. Tyko is now a healthy 12kg. He was 49kg at his fattest.

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Young HIV-positive patients receiving the latest treatments can now expect a "near-normal" life expectancy because of improvements in treatments, a study in The Lancet suggests.

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The temperature of our home planet Earth could notch up by 1.5 degree Celsius (which is a significant amount)than what it used to be in the late 1800s in a span of merely 9 years, a new research suggests.

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◎ 張沛元


About five years ago, Chicago resident Paul Nickerson turned to a trio of cats to deal with a rodent infestation after higher-tech pest-control methods failed. He figured he had nothing to lose.

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