US taxpayers unnecessarily spent $28m on uniforms for the Afghan National Army, according to the US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. In a scathing report, John Sopko said that officials bought "forest" pattern uniforms, despite the country’s landscape being only 2.1% wooded. The decision was "not based on an evaluation of its appropriateness for the Afghan environment", he wrote. A former Afghan defence minister chose the pattern in 2007, he says.
In the 17-page report, Sopko writes that Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak chose the privately owned pattern over a cheaper pattern that the US military already owned. US officials, who had been searching for patterns online with Wardak, authorised the purchase because he "liked what he saw".
"My concern is what if the minister of defence liked purple, or liked pink?" Sopko told USA Today in an interview. "Are we going to buy pink uniforms for soldiers and not ask questions? That’s insane. We wasted $28 million of taxpayers’ money in the name of fashion, because the defence minister thought that that pattern was pretty."
scathing:嚴厲的。例如,a scathing condemnation(嚴厲譴責)
what if:如果....會怎樣?例句:What if it’s true.(如果這是真的會怎樣?)
insane:瘋狂的、極蠢的、荒唐的。例句:He was overwhelmed by his girlfriend’s insane actions.(他女友的瘋狂行為讓他筋疲力竭。)