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The current El Nino which began last year has been one of the strongest ever, leaving the Mekong River at its lowest level in decades, causing food-related unrest in the Philippines, and smothering vast regions in a months-long heat wave often topping 40 degrees Celsius.

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Police in suburban Cincinnati are on the lookout for a bald man they say has been stealing hair growth and memory aid products from stores.


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Many parents consider spanking as a softer and safer corporal punishment for their "undisciplined" and "unrepentant" children. But a 50-year-long study suggests angry parents should think twice before resorting to spanking because it can be detrimental to children’s mental health.


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At least 73 people were killed Sunday when two passenger buses and an oil tanker burst into flames in a head-on collision in eastern Afghanistan, health officials said.


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A French baker who promised to give his business to the homeless man that saved his life has fired him instead.



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To try to combat the carnage on the country’s roads during the annual weeklong traditional New Year’s holiday celebration, Thai authorities are going gory: Drunk drivers may be sent to work in hospital morgues to see the fruits of their irresponsibility.


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Movie mogul Avi Lerner branded US President Barack Obama "a coward," berating him for not taking on Google over piracy.


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Africa’s longest-serving leader, President Teodoro Obiang Nguema, was set to extend his 36-year-hold on power Sunday as the tiny oil-rich nation of Equatorial Guinea went to the polls.


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Chacha the chimpanzee made his own great escape on Thursday, fleeing from a zoo in northern Japan and leading authorities on a dramatic chase.


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◎ 茅毅


The vast majority of Americans say they prefer lower prices instead of paying a premium for items labeled "Made in the U.S.A.," even if it means those cheaper items are made abroad, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll.

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If you’ve ever travelled to Seattle, you’ve likely visited the famous Gum Wall at Pike Place Market. And if you haven’t, you’d better hurry up, because it’s getting scrubbed down for the first time in 20 years.


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A Danish zoo is planning to publicly dissect a year-old lion -- a year after another park’s decision to dissect and skin a giraffe and feed it to lions triggered massive online protests, a zookeeper said Saturday, adding the purpose of it was to give people "a closer to the animals experience."


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Authorities said on Wednesday that a zombie apocalypse had not occurred in central Wisconsin despite the discovery of an empty casket along a rural highway over the weekend.


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China has unwound its one-child policy, for decades a symbol of invasive and coercive government planning, but the shift has been met with a disinterested shrug from many younger couples.


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The Scottish government gave the go-ahead on Monday to Britain’s floating offshore wind farm project, which could power 19,000 households, saying it would be the "world’s largest".


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Bavarian allies cranked up pressure on German Chancellor Angela Merkel to reverse her "open-door" refugee policy, saying the deadly attacks in Paris underlined the need for tougher measures to control the influx of migrants.


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The best-kept secrets in town are no longer that, courtesy of a hostel here that is trying to broaden the horizons of its foreign guests.


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Two zebras broke free from a circus in Philadelphia on Sunday, bringing traffic to a crawl as they roamed city streets for about an hour and strolled past customers inside a fitness center, authorities said.


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Some children may not get their Christmas wishes fulfilled this year as LEGO’s factories, although running at full speed, may not be able to make enough plastic bricks to keep up with demand from toy stores in Europe.


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Chancellor Angela Merkel put up a spirited defence of her leadership on Friday, vowing to "fight for my vision" of how to deal with the refugee crisis that has stretched Germany’s resources and damaged her standing.


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