A Massachusetts charter school that came under fire for what some students and parents considered a racist policy of banning hair braid extensions has suspended the rule.



The Mystic Valley Regional Charter School in Malden backed off the provision in its hair/makeup rules after trustees met Sunday.



The decision follows a state attorney general letter to the school, saying the policy was illegal because it singles out students of color.



The American Civil Liberties Union had also filed a complaint against the school with the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, saying the rule is discriminatory.



The issue came to light when the parents of twin 15-year-old black girls said their daughters were punished for wearing extensions, while white students hadn’t been punished for violations of hairstyle regulations. (AP)





back off:例句,放棄;放手;停止。例句:The manager started to criticize his subordinates, and then he suddenly backed off when he saw the boss was coming.(經理開始批評他的部屬,但在看到老闆進來後突然住口。)


come under fire:慣用語,遭受批評。


single out:慣用語,(為批評或表揚等)單獨挑出。例句:She was singled out for special treatment as a woman.(她因身為女性而得以享受特殊待遇。)

全通翻譯引用 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=1112969&day=2017-06-23

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