In the days close to a full moon, people take longer to doze off, sleep less deeply, and sleep for a shorter time, even if the moon isn’t shining in their window, a new study has found.


Anecdotal evidence has long suggested that people’s sleep patterns, moods, and even aggression is linked to moon cycles.

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A debate is raging in the film world about the merits of shooting movies on 35mm film versus digital cameras. In one corner are those who believe digital’s practical and economic benefits make it impossible to resist. In the other, "purists" such as directors Quentin Tarantino and Christopher Nolan who cherish the visual "texture" of 35mm and warn that something important is being lost.


Others stress that even movies shot in 35mm are now quickly converted to digital for distribution and that the real clincher is the impact on the studios’ bottom line. Printing just one film on 35mm film and delivering it to the cinema where it will be shown can cost $1,500 alone -- compared to $150 for digital. With a copy needed for each of several thousand cinemas, it is easy to see why digital seems to have won the day.

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研究作者之一、澳大利亞格里菲斯大學(Griffith University)醫學院高級講師孫靜(Jing Sun,音譯)認為,食用益生菌應該被納入日常飲食習慣。「酸奶、奶酪、發酵大豆製品、益生菌補充劑,這些都對健康有利。」她表示,健康飲食不僅應該包括蔬菜、水果,還包括益生菌食品。

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Issue 1397, Aug 31 - Sep 6
For three of Rob and Paulette Montelone's five kids, spending the summer surfing is more than just a fun activity. It could also extend their lives.

The Montelone siblings are part of a growing number of people with cystic fibrosis who are taking advantage of the health benefits that come with surfing. Since researchers realized that the salt water in the ocean helps clear out the thick mucus that builds up in patients' lungs, organizations have sprung up around the world that teach those with the disease how to "hang 10." "We have found the silver lining to it all and that has been through surfing," Paulette Montelone said on a recent summer day while her five children were out in the water. "It's helping them breathe better ... but it's also helping us, as a family, enjoy something together."

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基本工資終於調到2萬啦 ~ 仍有努力空間 Minimum wage to exceed NT$20,000

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