For a true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength but by the strength of his heart.

真正的英雄不是用力氣的大小來衡量的,而是用心靈的力量來衡量的。── By Zeus 宙斯

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Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?

魔鏡、魔鏡,誰是世界上最美麗的人?── Queen 王后

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But you, you're one of a kind.

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Outsmart the big brute.

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Prove yourself brave, truthful and unselfish, and someday you will be a real boy.

取自《Pinocchio 木偶奇遇記》

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The Past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.

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Ebenezer Scrooge - Oh, I remember how much I was in love with her. 艾伯納則‧史考治: 噢!我還記得當時我有多麼愛這個女孩。
Ghost of Christmas Past - In ten years time, you learned to love something else. 過去的聖誕靈魂:十年的時間,你學會去愛不同的東西。

── 取自《Mickey's Christmas Carol 米奇的快樂聖誕》

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Go on. Nobody wants to be cooped up here forever.


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