Not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within.

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Man has always learned from the past.
人類一向在經驗中學習。── By Archimedes 阿基米德

取自《The Sword in The Stone 石中劍》

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I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundrend years without knowing you.
我情願明天死掉,也不要長命百歲而不認識你。── By John Smith 莊邁斯

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Life's full of tough choices, isn't it?
生命裡充滿了困難的選擇是吧?── By Ursula 烏蘇拉


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Nobody's that heartless.
沒有人那麼殘忍。── By Pacha and Kuzco 貝查和庫斯德

取自《The Emperor's New Groove 變身國王》

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Forever is a long, long time. And time has a way of changin' things.

── By Big Mama 貓頭鷹大媽

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Life is now officially unfair!
生命真是充滿了不公平啊!── By Iago 艾格

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I laugh in the face of danger.

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