1. Appalling vs. Appealing 嚇人的 vs. 吸引人的
Appalling means disgusting, whereas appealing means attractive, nice. 嚇人的意味憎惡,而吸引人的意味有感染力的,美好的。例:
The idea of having enough money to retire at fifty is very appealing. 在五十歲的時候可以擁有足夠的金錢退休是很吸引人的想法。
We saw an appalling accident on the highway. 我們在高速公路看見一次嚇人的交通事故。
2. Compliment vs. Complement 稱讚 vs. 補足
Compliment is to praise, congratulate or greet; on the other hand, complement is to round out or to bring something to perfection. 稱讚,祝賀;補足完成是指補全某件事或讓某件事達到完美。例:
You would expect your manager to compliment you on your performance, rather than complement your performance. 你會期望你的經理讚賞你的工作表現而不是補全你的不足。
3. Distinctive vs. Distinct 獨特 vs. 分明
Distinct means that something stands out in a precise, clear way. Distinctive implies that something is characteristic, recognizable or distinguishable. 分明是指某件事有一個精確,清楚的狀況。獨特是指某件提是與眾不同的,特別的可容易被辦認的。例:
The behavior of this employee is distinct from all the others’. 這名員工的行為與其他的不同。
His distinctive character is to be constantly worried by the opinion of others. 他與眾不同的個性常常讓他人擔心。
4. Former vs. Formal 前任 vs. 正式
Former refers to something occurring earlier in time. Formal translates the fact that something is carried out in proper or regular manner. 前任是指稍早發生的事件; 正式是指某件事在適當或嚴肅的方式被執行。例:
She is a former director of our company. 她是我們公司的前任主任。
This is a formal document. 這是一份正式的文件。
5. Hone vs. to Home in 磨練 vs. 意圖
Hone means to sharpen, while home (in) means to seek out a target. 磨練是指強化,意圖是指尋找目標例:
You can hone a leadership skill. You home in on becoming a leader. 你能強化你的領導技巧,設定你的目標為優秀的領導人。