1、or what 到底
Are we good friends or what?(我們可不是好朋友?)
Are you going or what?(你到底去不去?)
2、down the road 終究
A: I want to quit. It is just too hard to take care of the baby with the job.(我想辭職了。一面照顧寶寶一面工作太難了。)
B: Hang in there. You'll really thank yourself for it five years down the road.(忍耐吧! 五年後,妳會很感謝妳自己。)
He will change down the road.(他日後會改變的。)(Down the road也可以說down the line)
3、way 太...
可作副詞,表示程度,way too much意思是太多了。
I just have way too much going on in my life right now. I cannot visit you as I would like to.(我現在忙得一塌糊塗,我想去看你但沒有辦法。)
Two thumbs way up.(實在是太棒了。)
4、bleeding edge
bleeding edge是一個新名詞,是從leading edge / cutting edge(最尖端)這個詞變化過來的,至於為什麼會用"bleeding"(流血)呢?用bleeding表達了這產品實在是太新了,所以擁有它是要付出代價的。
No longer bleeding edge, mobile and wireless are becoming essential part of the modern office.(移動裝置和無線已經是一種成熟技術,也成為辦公室不可缺少的工具。)
5、roll 展開、運作
Let’s roll.(讓我們開始吧!讓我們繼續前進吧。)
I am glad that you have got the ball rolling.(我很高興你已經把事情推動運作起來了。)
6、scoop 搶(新聞)
本意為一匙或一勺,例如a scoop of ice-cream. 口語作「搶新聞報導」、「收集」
He got all the big scoops for the paper.(他為這家報紙搶到了所有的頭號新聞。)
He always has some ways for the inside scoop on getting some freebies.(他總是有些辦法通過內部管道搞到免費的票。)