What is the best way to lower your cholesterol level?

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There is more to the name Prometheus than a blockbuster movie. 全世界其中一起最《普羅米修斯》不光是一部賣座電影,這個名字大有來頭。

  We may never truly know how man was created, but there are certainly manytheories to be explored. One story that has recently gained popularity with a movie released under the same name is the legend of Prometheus, who in Greekmythology is credited with having created man from clay.

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What really happened in the years, months, and minutes before one of the world's largest oil spills?

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There are wireless ways to keep phones charged.

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Thrust into the public eye during a halftime show performance at Super Bowl XLVI, slacklining is gaining popularity.

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What's the deal with a new store that has people lining up for hours?

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Sometimes a small gift is priceless.

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Göbekli Tepe is now believed to be the world's oldest man-made religious structure.

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