◎ 劉宜庭
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft has been extremely busy these last few months during its mission to document the sights and sounds of Saturn.
Although the Cassini spacecraft launched on Oct. 15, 1997, and arrived in the Saturn system in July 1, 2004, it only started making waves in April of this year after it not only captured these stunning images of Earth between Saturn’s rings, but also found that life might be able to thrive on one of the planet’s moons.
Now, NASA is giving us all chills once again by sharing what Saturn actually sounds like. In a newly released audio recording, Cassini captured the creepy sounds of the space between the planet’s famous rings.
However, what you’re hearing in this recording isn’t exactly "sound." There is no air in space, thus no vibrating air molecules to project sound waves. Instead, you can hear radio waves, which were converted to audio files.
"The region between the rings and Saturn is ’the big empty,’ apparently," Cassini project manager Earl Maize of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said in a press release. "Cassini will stay the course, while the scientists work on the mystery."
creepy:形容詞,令人毛骨悚然。例句:On hearing the snake hiss, he felt creepy.(聽見蛇的嘶嘶聲,他感到毛骨悚然。)
make waves:慣用語,掀起波瀾、興風作浪。例句:Jack had always been a team player who didn’t make waves.(傑克一直很有團隊觀念,從來不會興風作浪。)
stay the course:慣用語,堅持到底。例句:Jack was unable to stay the course.(傑克未能堅持到底。)