Mars Food plans to tell customers to eat some of its Dolmio pasta sauces and macaroni cheese only once a week to maintain a balanced diet because of the products’ high levels of salt, sugar or fat.
The scheme is part of a larger initiative by Mars Food to encourage healthier eating at a time when large food multinationals are coming under increasing pressure from public health regulators struggling to fight a growing obesity epidemic.
The plan, however, does not extend to Mars’ chocolate or sweets businesses, whose brands include M&M’s, Snickers and Starburst.
Products that are particularly high in salt, sugar or fat will come with a label advising "occasional" consumption, meaning once a week. Products with lower levels of salt, sugar or fat will be put on "everyday" labels.
The company also plans to introduce the labelling in all markets where those products are sold.
go easy on:慣用語,節省;寬容對待。例句:I’d like to have gin and tonic, but please go easy on the tonic. (我想要琴通寧調酒,不過通寧水請加少一點。)
initiative:名詞,倡議。例句:Miranda is an extroverted person and always takes the initiative in making acquaintances. (米蘭達很外向,總是主動認識新朋友。)
advocate:動、名詞同形,提倡(者)。例句:Many tennis players are the advocates for the prize money equality between men and women. (許多網球選手都主張男女球員的獎金必須平等。)
全通翻譯引用自 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=1020545&day=2016-08-11