Eye-catching exhibition reminds us of the importance of protecting wildlife
An outdoor exhibition featuring 1,600 papier-mache giant pandas opened in downtown Taipei recently, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors after some imaginative panda "flash mobs" made headlines across the country in the buildup to the event. This eye-catching, not to mention incredibly cute, exhibition is not simply an opportunity for people to take pictures with adorable panda sculptures, however. It is designed to raise awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation.
The exhibition is intended to remind people that only 1,600 giant pandas remain in the wild. And pandas are not the only creatures on display, as the exhibition also features artworks representing other endangered animals, including green sea turtles and Asian elephants. It also includes Formosan clouded leopards, which sadly are now believed to be extinct. Meanwhile, the organizers of the exhibition went to special lengths to highlight the plight of Formosan black bears by creating 200 papier-mache versions of Taiwan's endangered endemic bear species. It is also important to note that all of the animal sculptures were created using recycled materials.
The exhibition garnered widespread attention before it opened thanks to a series of high-profile publicity events. To the joy of pedestrians, the paper pandas began appearing at famous landmarks and parks shortly after arriving in Taipei on Feb. 19. The traveling art display first visited the city's Dajia Riverside Park, before moving on to Daan Forest Park, where a crowd soon gathered to take pictures of the pandas, explained Taipei City Government official Yu Shu-hui. The paper pandas then went on to make appearances at various other city landmarks, such as Ketagalan Boulevard in front of the Presidential Office.
The series of events was aimed at raising public interest in the much larger-scale exhibition, which is first being held from Feb. 28 to March 9 at Civic Plaza in front of Taipei City Hall, where organizers hoped to create a laid-back atmosphere by setting up arrangements of flowers and green sculptures around the exhibition area. After its visit to Civic Plaza, the exhibition will move to Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall from March 14 to 30, when the 200 artworks based on the Formosan black bear will be displayed for the first time.
The city worked with French papier-mache artist Paulo Grangeon to stage the "1,600 Pandas" exhibition, which was first held by the French section of the World Wildlife Fund in a joint project with Grangeon in July 2008 at Paris City Hall. As part of his efforts to create vivid representations of the Formosan black bear, the artist visited Taipei Zoo to study the endangered animal. This is the first time that the exhibition has been held in Asia, after touring more than 20 countries worldwide, according to the city government.
The exhibition is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and admission is free. After the exhibition closes, the displays will be auctioned off and the proceeds will be donated to local charities, the city government said, ensuring that the organizers will be able to raise money as well as awareness for the endangered creatures featured in this special event.
台北市政府和法國紙雕藝術家保羅格蘭金共同合作推出「1600 貓熊世界之旅」,這項展覽原先是世界自然基金會法國分會與格蘭金的合作計畫,於二○○八年七月在巴黎市政廳展出。為了製作台灣黑熊的生動紙雕,藝術家格蘭金特別前往台北市立動物園,參觀這瀕臨絕種的動物。據台北市政府表示,紙貓熊藝術展在全球廿多國巡迴展出後,這是首次在亞洲展出。
資料來源 http://www.chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/topics/default.asp?id=4179&next=1&sub=23