More than 120 historians came together to sign a petition delivered to the Ministry of Education. The petition requested more transparency in revising curriculum guidelines as they allege not a single Taiwanese historian was consulted regarding the new curriculum guidelines.
Opposed to the Ministry of Education’s decision to revise curriculum guidelines for high school Chinese culture classes along with civics has led university professors to come together and express their joint dissatisfaction.
Lee Hsiao-feng
National Taipei University of Education Professor
There are so many university history departments and graduate research institutes as well as those dedicated to Taiwan history, and not a single professor with qualifications was consulted about this change to the curriculum? They must have a philosophy or be pro-Beijing person to carry out such actions.
120 historians from institutions as diverse as Academia Sinica to history departments at various universities and Taiwan history research institutes have come together to sign a petition asking the Ministry of Education to withdraw revisions to curriculum guidelines.
Hsueh Hua-yuan
National Chengchi Univ. Taiwan History Inst.
Ministry of Education authorities should be willing to face history academics and withdraw these adjustments to the curriculum guidelines.
The Ministry of Education says a review team did included historians and slight revisions to the curriculum would enhance Taiwan’s subjectivity. Still, scholars who signed the petition refuse to accept this explanation.
[[北教大台文所教授 李筱峰]]
[[政大台史所所長 薛化元]]