An Australian woman injured when a motel room light fitting fell and hit her while having sex on a business trip failed in a bid for workers’ compensation Wednesday.
The public servant suffered injuries to her nose, mouth and a tooth and said she was mentally scarred when the light was pulled down by either her or her partner during intercourse.
Her employer had booked the room and she claimed she should receive damages from the federal government because the 2007 incident happened while she was on official business.
But after a four-year legal saga, the High Court ruled that the woman, whose name was suppressed, was not engaged in a specifically work-related activity at the time and denied her any payout.
Employment Minister Eric Abetz called it a victory for common sense. "This decision also means that the definition of ’work-related injury’ is more clearly defined."
"Instances such as this where an employee seeks to stretch the boundaries of entitlements are of great concern and the High Court’s intervention is welcome."
compensation:名詞,賠償金、補償、報酬。例句:Although the job is hard, the compensation is good.(雖然這工作辛苦,但報酬不錯。)
mentally:副詞,心理上、精神上。如mental illness(心理疾病)。
suppress:動詞,鎮壓、廢止、隱瞞。例句:The police suppressed the riot.(警察鎮壓了暴動。)