Local universities are generating extra revenue by selling everything from clothing to soy sauce. By applying their logos to these items, the schools are able to advertise their names while boosting loyalty among students and alumni.
These workers locate merchandise and tape boxes while others receive new orders. This busy warehouse has many people packing goods and getting them ready for shipment.
This may look like a retail shop, but it’s actually the library of National Taiwan Normal University. In addition to four physical stores, the university launched an online shopping site and makes its goods available on Yahoo. Target audiences for these goods are students and alumni.
Some of the products sold on this website include a popular thermal bottle, a handbag printed with an image of a blue magpie, a dark blue jacket embroidered with the university’s name, and creative DIY products. Annual sales last year topped NT$4 million.
Huang Ching-fei
National Taiwan Normal University Press
There are basically two design directives for our products. The first is spreading the spirit of National Taiwan Normal University, and the second is promoting Taiwan-inspired products.
Local universities are attaching their names to everyday items in the hopes of boosting revenues.