The value of life explained using a US$20 bill.

  The Internet is awash with inspirational quotes and motivational stories. There is one particular story about something as simple as a US$20 bill that bestillustrates the importance of value. It's about a man who began a lecture byholding up a US$20 bill. He asked a room of approximately 200 students if anybody wanted it. Naturally, everyone raised his or her hand. He told the class that he would give the bill to one of them, but he had to do something first. Hecrumpled the bill up. He proceeded to ask the class if anyone still wanted it, and hands still went up. The man wasn't satisfied and went on to drop it on the floor, which was quite filthy. He even ground it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up and once again presented the bill, which was crumpled, dirty, and slightly torn, to the class. He then asked once more if there was anyone that wanted it, and still, hands went up.
  Satisfied, the man began to explain to the class that they had all learned a very valuable lesson. It didn't matter what had happened to the money, what it looked like, or where it had been. Everyone still wanted it because it had notdecreased in value. It was still worth US$20. Over the course of a person's life, they are dropped, stepped on, crumpled up, and treated like dirt, which are results of the decisions they make and the circumstances present. Though we might feel worthless at timesregardless of what may have happened, we will never lose our value. The man showed those 200 students how special they were using a US$20 bill, and after reading this story, you should know how special you are, too.

1. What was the point of the man stepping on and crumpling the US$20 bill?
(A) To show people that money is durable.
(B) To urge people to change their spending habits.
(C) To encourage people to believe in their own worth.
(D) To show that money isn't really important.
2. What did the man NOT do to the US$20 bill?
(A) Step on it.
(B) Crumple it.
(C) Spit on it.
(D) Drop it.
3. How did the students respond to being offered dirty money?
(A) They didn't want it anymore.
(B) They were eager to take it, no matter what.
(C) They didn't respond at all.
(D) They were disgusted.
4. According to the man's lesson, what had changed about the US$20 bill?
(A) Its texture.
(B) Its worth.
(C) Its value.
(D) Nothing at all.

  1. bill n. 鈔票
  2. quote n. 引用;引述
  3. lecture n. 演講;授課
  4. filthy a. 十分骯髒的,污穢的
  5. grind vt. 用力擠壓,用力踩;碾(碎)
    (三態為:grind, ground, ground。)
  6. present vt. 呈現;拿起
  7. valuable a. 有價值的,珍貴的
  8. circumstance n. 環境;情勢
  9. worthless a. 無價值的,無用的
    priceless a. 貴重的,無價的
  10. spit vi. & vt. 吐口水
  11. disgusted a.(人)覺得噁心∕反感的
  12. texture n.(料子、紡織物的)質地;組織
  1. hold up...  舉起……
  2. step on...  踩在……之上
  3. at times 偶爾,有時候
    = from time to time
  4. regardless of... 不管……,不論……
  5. respond to sth 對某事做出反應

He asked a room of approximately 200 students if anybody wanted it.
此處的 approximately 為修飾數量形容詞的副詞,表『大約』之意,常見的此類副詞尚有some, about, around, nearly, roughly。
I owe approximately NT$100,000 in student loans.
歷屆考題 (考古題源自歷年考題原句並做部份刪減)
In one study, _______ 600 children, from kindergarten to sixth grade, took part in a nutrition program intended to get them to eat more vegetables and whole grains. 【98 年學測】
(A) ever (B) nearly
(C) seldom (D) wholly

  1. be awash with...  充斥著……
    awash a. 充斥的,泛濫的
    The company is awash with cash, so they want to expand.
  2. inspirational
    a. 鼓舞人心的;帶有靈感的
    I was moved by the inspirational story to fight for animal rights.
  3. motivational a. 激勵人心的
    Motivational banners were hung in the meeting room before the conference.
    *fling vt. 扔,擲
    (三態為:fling, flung, flung。)
  4. illustrate vt. 說明,闡明
    Otto illustrated his ideas by giving a few examples.
  5. crumple
    vt.(使)變皺 & vi.(受到驚嚇)癱倒
    We knew something was wrong when Alice crumpled up the letter and flung it at the wall.
    Ruby immediately crumpled to the floor as she heard that news.
  6. proceed vi. 繼續(進行)
    proceed to V  繼續(做)……
    The man proceeded to yell at the police officer even though he knew it wasn't a good idea.
  7. go on to V  進而……∕繼續(做)……
    Wade went on to become a director after being an actor for many years.
  8. decrease vi. 減少 & vt. 使減少
    = diminish vt. 減少
    Maria decreased her spending by not buying anything on impulse.
  9. over the course of + 一段時間
    Marvin has seen many ups and downs over the course of his life.
  10. durable a. 耐用的
    This raincoat is made of a very durable material.
  11. urge sb to V
    = call on sb to V
    My parents are always urging me to eat more fruits and vegetables.
  12. be eager to V  極度渴望想要……
    = be desperate to V
    = be anxious to V
    = be dying to V
    Sarah has been eager to learn how to drive a car for years.



1. 該男子踐踏這張二十元的美鈔並把它弄皺的意義為何?
(A) 告訴眾人錢是很堅固耐用的。
(B) 力勸人們要改變消費習慣。
(C) 鼓勵人們相信自己的價值。
(D) 證明錢並不是真的很重要。
題解:根據本文第二段,描述一位男子藉由一張二十元的鈔票向學生說明,不論發生什麼事,絕不能失去本身的價值,故 (C) 項應為正選。
2. 該男子沒有對這張二十元的美鈔做出下列哪一項事情?
(A) 踐踏它。
(B) 揉爛它。
(C) 對它吐口水。
(D) 把它丟在地上。
題解:根據本文第二段,該男子先將這張鈔票揉成一團,接著把它丟在地上,再用鞋子踩它,僅 (C) 選
3. 對於該男子拿出來的這張骯髒紙鈔,學生們有什麼反應?
(A) 學生們不想要了。
(B) 不管這張鈔票變得如何,學生們還是很想要。
(C) 他們並沒有作出任何回應。
(D) 他們覺得很噁心。
題解:根據本文第二段,不論該男子對這張鈔票做了什麼事,學生們都還是想要這張鈔票,故 (B) 項應為
4. 根據該男子的這堂課,這張二十元的美鈔有了什麼樣的改變?
(A) 質地。
(B) 面額。
(C) 價值。
(D) 什麼也沒改變。
題解:根據本文,不論這張鈔票發生了什麼事,只會在外觀上有所改變,但其他部份都和原來的一樣,因此 (D) 項應為正選。

答案:1. C 2. C 3. B 4. D

Grammar Tips  歷屆考題答案:B


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