A hardy lizard that stowed away in a tourist’s suitcase survived a 3,000-mile flight from Cape Verde to the UK – and then endured a full cycle in a washing machine.
The lizard, which has been named Larry, is thought to have clambered into Sue Banwell-Moore’s suitcase as she packed following a two-week holiday.
Larry survived the six-hour flight in the luggage hold of a passenger jet and arrived back at Banwell-Moore’s home in Somerset. But its ordeal did not end there. Banwell-Moore scooped up the hapless reptile in a pile of dirty clothes and stuffed it into her washing machine.
She only spotted the lizard as she was hanging out the washing following the 30-minute cycle.
Assuming the 15cm-long animal was dead, she covered it with a saucepan but was surprised and delighted when it recovered from its ordeal. Larry is now being cared for at a wildlife park.
Chris Moiser, the director of the wildlife park, is still trying to identify Larry. "It is very rare – Cape Verde is one of those places with native species found nowhere else in the world, it is so remote. "
stow away:片語,無票偷乘。He stowed away on a ship to Japan.(他偷乘輪船到日本。)
ordeal:名詞,煎熬、苦難。例句:Life is a bitter ordeal.(生命就是痛苦的煎熬。)
hapless:形容詞,運氣不好,倒楣的。例句:The hapless bureaucrat was forced to eat his own words.(這位倒楣的官僚被迫食言。)