An online game in India called "Angry Brides" which seeks to highlight the problem of illegal dowry demands has attracted more than 270,000 fans.
The game by online matchmaker shaadi.com – inspired by the hugely popular "Angry Birds" game – sees players attack prospective grooms greedy for dowry with a variety of weapons, from a brick-red stiletto to a broomstick.
The three grooms – an engineer, a doctor and a pilot – dodge the attacks while demanding dowries starting at 1.5 million rupees. Each time a player hits a groom, he or she wins money towards a virtual anti-dowry fund.
The game, available as a free application on Facebook, has already attracted more than 272,000 "likes."
Paying and accepting a dowry in India has been illegal since 1961, but the centuries-old tradition of the bride’s parents presenting gifts of cash, clothes, jewellery, even appliances to the groom’s family remains strong.
Demands for dowry often persist well past the wedding ceremonies, and in the worst cases, brides are tortured and even murdered if they or their parents do not comply.(AFO)
wage war:片語,(對某事)開戰。例句:When the rich wage war, it is the poor who die.(富人發動的戰爭,窮人來抵命。)
dowry:名詞,嫁妝、聘金。例句︰She had a dowry of £20,000.(她的嫁妝有2萬英鎊。);dowry death(印度陋習)指新娘因嫁妝不足而被焚。
stiletto:名詞,細高跟鞋。例句:I don’t own a single pair of kitten heels. I’m definitely a stiletto fan. (我一雙中根鞋都沒有。我絕對是個細高跟鞋的粉絲。)