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Five frescoed stone slabs stolen from a tomb in the ancient city of Paestum and trafficked by a notorious artifact smuggler went on display in Italy on Thursday after a 10-year investigation.


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Grammy-winning singer Natalie Cole, whose biggest hit came in a virtual duet with her late father, pop legend Nat King Cole, of his decades-old hit "Unforgettable," has died at the age of 65, her family said on Friday.


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A mountain lion killed in the US state of Idaho had a set of fully formed teeth growing out of its forehead, wildlife officials say. The lion was legally shot dead by a hunter on 30 December.


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Whether heads of government die prematurely is a long-debated question, and research has yielded conflicting results. For example, one study held that presidents might age twice as quickly as the overall American population while in office. Another study found no significant effect on the life expectancies of U.S. presidents.


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Spain’s parliament voiced its support for the rights of great apes to life and freedom in what will apparently be the first time any national legislature has called for such rights for non-humans.


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A website is allowing anyone curious about cosmetic surgery, but too frightened to go under the knife, to see an improved version of themselves at the click of a mouse.


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A website is allowing anyone curious about cosmetic surgery, but too frightened to go under the knife, to see an improved version of themselves at the click of a mouse.


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Archeologists are opening a cave sealed for more than 30 years deep beneath a Mexican pyramid to look for clues about the mysterious collapse of one of ancient civilization’s largest cities.


The soaring Teotihuacan stone pyramids, now a major tourist site about an hour outside Mexico City, were discovered by the Aztecs around 1500 AD, not long before the arrival of Spanish explorers to Mexico.

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A taxi driver has been given a "generous tip" after returning a carrier bag filled with £9,000 which had been left in the back of his cab.


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Volunteers are spraying dog mess with pink dye in an effort to shame owners who fail to clean up after their pets, a local council said.


Mansfield District Council also hopes the scheme will help walkers avoid stepping in excrement at one of its parks.

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A young girl whose lemonade stand was robbed of $17.50 chased the suspect to a nearby home and called police, who spent nearly an hour trying to coax the man into surrendering.


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Chancellor Angela Merkel put up a spirited defence of her leadership on Friday, vowing to "fight for my vision" of how to deal with the refugee crisis that has stretched Germany’s resources and damaged her standing.


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India’s government has faced mockery on social media for tweeting an apparently doctored photo of its image-conscious prime minister surveying the flood-hit southern state of Tamil Nadu.


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Sydney police say a man was left "quite embarrassed" after several neighbours mistook his efforts to kill a spider for a domestic violence incident.


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Vintage toys linked to the "Star Wars" film franchise are moving faster than a swirling lightsaber, sending prices of many of them soaring into hyperspace.


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Tai Chi is a suitable exercise for older people with conditions like arthritis, a study has found. The ancient Chinese art improves physical performance and enhances quality of life, say researchers.


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Spain was plunged into political instability on Monday after voters frustrated with corruption and economic woes dealt a crippling blow to the ruling conservative party, opening the way for deadlock over the formation of a new government.


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A hunter asleep in the remote Idaho wilderness woke up when he felt something tugging on his hair. Then he heard the black bear breathing.


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The 2010 World Cup in South Africa triggered an increase in the number of boys born in the country nine months after the event, a study says. The ratio of boys to girls born in that period was the highest recorded between 2003 and 2014, the study in the Early Human Development journal found.


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A Canadian college student caught at a border checkpoint in August 2014 with 51 live turtles in his pants pleaded guilty to six smuggling charges on Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Ann Arbor, Michigan.


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