As secret agent James Bond, Daniel Craig has a license to kill, but on Tuesday the United Nations gave the British actor a "license to save" by appointing him as the first global advocate for the elimination of mines and explosive hazards.
Craig - who has been filming his fourth movie as the dapper, martini-drinking agent 007 - will spend the next three years raising awareness for the U.N. Mine Action Service (UNMAS) and political and financial support for the cause.
"You have been given a license to kill (as James Bond), I’m now giving you a license to save," U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told Craig at United Nations headquarters in New York.
The United Nations said 162 States are parties to the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention. Last year, the United Nations said it destroyed more than 400,000 land mines and explosive remnants of war and more than 2,000 tons of obsolete ammunition.
advocate:名詞,提倡者、擁護者;動詞指擁護、主張。如devil’s advocate是指故意唱反調或從反面分析問題的人。例句:Teachers often play devil’s advocate to provoke discussion in the classroom.(老師常在課堂唱反調以引發討論。)
dapper:形容詞,外表整潔的、短小精悍的、俐落的。例句:David looked very dapper in this black suit.(大衛穿這件黑西裝看起來非常瀟灑俐落。)
remnant:名詞,殘留物、遺跡、剩餘;形容詞指剩餘的、殘留的。例句:The remnant of his corps was found in the parking lot.(他的屍體殘骸在停車場被找到。)