China is cracking down on funeral strippers after controversy over “obscene” performances in the east of the country.
In China, the bereaved often put on elaborate entertainment to send the departed off in style and draw more mourners to the ceremony – but recent funeral shows in Jiangsu and Handan have led the ministry of culture to announce it will work with the police to eliminate such performances.
Pictures of a dancer removing her bra in front of parents and children in Handan last month were circulated online. Some funeral strippers performed with snakes, the Wall Street Journal reported.
The ministry "will crack down on ‘stripping’ and other acts of illegal business performance market,” it said in a press release,
Citing “pornographic performances”, the ministry fined the Red Rose Dance Ensemble about $11,300 for a two-and-a-half-hour performance on 15 February at the funeral of an elderly Handan city resident and arrested three others at a similar show on 27 February.
In parts of east Asian culture, the funeral is a sendoff party for late family members – a last chance for the family and the community to ensure that the deceased travels well into the afterlife.
obscene:形容詞,猥褻的、下流的、粗俗的;令人震驚的。例如:obscene language(粗俗的言語);Your salary are obscene.(你的薪水高得嚇人。)
bereaved:形容詞,失去至親好友的,名詞指失去親友的人。例如:She was bereaved of her son.(她痛失愛子。)
put on:動詞片語,組織、安排活動或表演。例句:They put on a concert to raise relief funds for earthquake victims.(他們舉辦演唱會為援助地震災民募款。)