
百萬名牌人生:你這樣過一天?/How Billionaire Brands Control Your Life
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閱讀暖身 不管你有沒有名牌迷思,也不得不承認擁有或多或少幾個名牌產品在你的日常用品裡。美國富比士雜誌(Forbes)一則故事呈現了典型美國白領上班族的一天行程:從醒來到入睡的那一刻,所慣用的名牌產品。而這些品牌背後的創辦人或擁有者,都是現今富比世富豪榜上有名的!


(A) 百萬富翁 (B) 復古/復刻板 (C) 消磨時間

(A) Billionaire products influence your life in thousands of ways: from the Nikes on your feet to the iPhone buzzing in your pocket. In fact, (1) there’s a good chance you’re using a billionaire product at this very moment. Don’t believe me? Take a look at this.


Below, how billionaires may dominate your day:

The (B) vintage alarm clock you bought on eBay (Pierre Omidyar) rings beside your Ikea bed (Ingvar Kamprad). Shower with the fancy soaps like L’Occitane (Reinold Geiger) that you got for your birthday. Check Twitter (Jack Dorsey) and Gmail (Sergey Brin, Larry Page) on your Samsung Galaxy (Jay Y. Lee, Lee Kun-Hee) while you brush your teeth and sprits Paul Mitchell Awapushi spray (John Paul DeJoria) onto your hair. (2) Stop over for a grande at Starbucks (Howard Schultz) on your way to the office. Dig into a cherry Chobani yogurt (Hamdi Ulukaya) while the Intel processor (Gordon Moore) in your Dell desktop (Michael Dell) boots. Spy on friends via Facebook (Mark Zuckerberg) before getting to work on (Marc Benoiff). Tired, you crack a Red Bull (Dietrich Mateschitz) but spill some on your Polo shirt (Ralph Lauren) and Diesel jeans (Renzo Rosso).


eBay網上標下的復刻板鬧鐘在你的Ikea床邊響了。你起床用生日送給自己的歐舒丹香皂沖澡,然後一邊刷牙,一邊用你的三星Galaxy手機上上推特、看看 Gmail,最後往頭髮灑些Mitchell Awapushi的髮膠。進辦公室前,先繞到星巴克外帶大杯咖啡。坐到Dell電腦前,利用等待Intel處理器啟動的時間品嚐一份Chobani的櫻桃口味優格。上個臉書偷看朋友們的行蹤,再連上雲端運算平台Salesforce.com開始工作。累了,開一瓶Red Bull,卻不小心灑在你的Polo衫和Diesel牛仔褲上。

Then you slide on your hip Ray-Bans (Leonardo Del Vecchio) on the way to meet clients. Hit the gym after (3) trading your Tod’s driving shoes (Diego Della Valle) and cardigan from Zara (Amancio Ortega) for a pair of Under Armour running shoes (Kevin Plank) and a Lululemon shirt (Chip Wilson). Grab a 5-Hour Energy drink (Manoj Bhargava) and a pack of Gummi Bears (Hans Riegel), vowing next time you’ll buy trail mix at Trader Joe’s (Theo Albrecht) instead.

然後你帶上新潮的雷朋墨鏡出發去見客戶。前往健身房,換下Tod’s豆豆鞋和Zara買的羊毛衫,改穿上Under Armour 慢跑鞋和Lululemon的上衣。隨手買了5-Hour Energy 的飲料喝,配上一包Gummi Bears軟糖,一邊發誓你下回一定改買有機超市Trader Joe’s 的綜合零食。

Outside the gym, Expedia (Barry Diller) for a place to (C) crash in the summer. In a dinner bar, you decide to order a Heineken (Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken) and watch the Dallas Mavericks (Mark Cuban) play the Miami Heat (Micky Arison) on Cablevision (Charles Dolan). Find a Cartier ring (Johann Rupert) on the floor. The ring’s grateful owner buys you a shot of Tequila.

出了健身房,你打開Expedia旅遊網瀏覽今年夏天可以去哪裡。晚餐時間,你點了海尼根,一邊觀看有線電視Cablevision轉播的達拉斯小牛對邁阿密熱火。沒想到從地板上找到一只卡地亞的戒指,戒指主人為了表達感激,請了一杯Tequila shot。

Back home play Xbox (Steve Ballmer) and (4) flip between The Empire Strikes Back (George Lucas) and Raiders of the Lost Ark (Steven Spielberg) before crawling into your Ikea bed.

回家玩Xbox遊戲機,上床睡覺前再看一點星際大戰(George Lucas執導)和印第安那瓊斯(Steven Spielberg執導)。

(1) There’s a good chance…. 意思是「很高的機率」。這個句型用於大膽預測時,譬如你覺得今天很有可能會下雨,你就可以說∶There's a good chance it's going to rain today. 或: There's a good chance he might turn us down. (他很可能拒绝我們) 不要照字面意思理解成「很好的機會」,很好的機會是a good opportunity。

(2) 留一下 = stop over e.g. Can you stop off to pick up my dry cleaning after work? 例句:你下班後可以順道去幫忙拿我的乾洗衣物嗎?

(3) trade (v.) 貿易、交易以換取、本文是「換裝」的意思 e.g. I’d love to trade my fur coat for your dress. 例句:我很想拿我的皮草大衣換你的洋裝。

(4) flip between 反覆切換電視頻道、電腦螢幕、視窗、翻閱書頁 e.g. I had nothing to do yesterday afternoon. So I spent four hours flipping through the TV channels. 例句:昨天下午沒事做,結果我花了四個小時看電視切換各個頻道。


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