The Most Sacred Month of Islam  神聖的伊斯蘭齋戒月

  Every religious group has an important time of year. The Islamic faith is no different, and the main event of the year is called Ramadan. It is held during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and lasts for one month. During this time, Muslims fast. At the end of Ramadan, a large feast and celebration is held with friends and family. Much like Christmas, Ramadan is an occasion that people get excited about and wait for all year.
  Ramadan begins with fasting during daylight hours. Believers also fast from other things in the world. According to followers, it is a time to reflect on one's life. Many ask themselves if they are following what the Quran teaches them. Even the words they say are examined because it is believed that everyone should try to lead a good life. They see fasting as something beneficial for the whole body. Also during Ramadan, believers should not engage in gossiping. In many mosques, the Quran is divided up into sections and read each day. That way, by the end of the holiday, the entire Quran will have been read.

Words & Phrases
  1. religious a. 宗教的
    Some people's religious beliefs bring them peace of mind.
  2. be no different  沒有不同,沒有差別
    This school is no different than any other in the district.
  3. feast n. 盛筵;饗宴
    The king had a great feast for his daughter's birthday.
  4. reflect on...  仔細思考∕檢討……
    After reflecting on his past, James apologized to all those he had hurt.
  5. examine vt. 探討;(仔細地)檢查
    We examined and analyzed every line of the poem to understand its meaning.
  6. it is believed that...  一般認為∕相信……
    It is believed that our thoughts have energy that can affect our lives.
  7. lead a + 形容詞 + life  過著……的生活
    Few people know that the wealthy man actually leads an unhappy life.
  8. divide up...  分開∕拆開……
    divide vt. 分開;分配
    The textbook was divided into seven units.
Extra Words
  1. Islam n. 伊斯蘭教
    Islamic a. 伊斯蘭的
  2. Muslim n. 穆斯林(回教徒)
  3. fast vi. 齋戒;禁食
  4. Quran n. 可蘭經
  5. mosque n. 清真寺(回教寺廟)
More to Know

  伊斯蘭教又稱回教,為全球第二大宗教。回教是以古蘭經和聖訓為依歸的一神論宗教,信徒稱為穆斯林,信仰唯一且無與倫比的真主阿拉。該教奉行『念、禮、 齋、課、朝』這五功,也就是穆斯林需要奉行的五個義務。伊斯蘭教還擁有自己的一套伊斯蘭法律,該法律實際觸及生活及社會的每一個層面,由飲食、金融到戰事 以及福利等各方面,幾乎可說是回教徒生活規範的唯一標準。


  每個宗教團體在一年中都有一個重要的時刻。伊斯蘭信仰也是一樣,他們一年中最主要的活動就叫做齋月。齋月於伊斯蘭曆法裡的第九個月舉行,為期長達一個 月。在此期間,回教徒會進行齋戒。當齋月進入尾聲,親朋好友們會舉行大型饗宴和慶祝活動。就像聖誕節一樣,人們一整年興奮地引領期盼的時刻就是齋月。

  齋月始於齋戒,信徒們在白天裡不能吃喝。他們也不能從事社會上的其他活動。對這些信徒而言,這是一個對生活反省回顧的時刻。許多人都會捫心自問,檢視 自己是否有遵循可蘭經的教導。甚至連他們說出來的話都會受到檢視,因為一般相信每個人都應設法過著良好的生活。他們也把齋戒視為對全身上下都有利的一件 事。此外,在齋月期間,信徒不應八卦閒聊。在許多清真寺裡,可蘭經會被分段每日研讀。如此一來,到節日尾聲時就能讀完整本可蘭經了。


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