“Nevermind” Nirvana cover baby is now 20, just like the album
As an infant 20 years ago, Spencer Elden was thrown into a pool in Southern California to be photographed, naked, underwater, appearing to reach for a dollar bill. The photo would become one of the most iconic images of 1990s music: Nirvana’s “Nevermind” album cover.
Released on September 24, 1991, “Nevermind” catapulted the band and its music to the top of the charts, with songs including “Smells Like Teen Spirit” giving birth to the Seattle-based grunge musical style.
On the 20th anniversary of the album’s release, Elden, the now-20-year-old son of an artist, said in jest that now he suffers more tribulations than other famously photographed babies whose images are associated more with cuteness than grunge.
“When I am introduced, they introduce me as the Nirvana baby,” said Elden. And because he was sans diaper when the famous shot was taken, there are other questions. “They usually poke fun at me asking me, ‘Is it the same size?’” “I always say, ‘It’s changed, do you want to see it?’”
Elden said he is not swimming in cash as a result of his baby celebrity status. His father, artist Rick Elden, agreed in 1991 to work on the cover with fellow photographer Kirk Weddle. He received no royalties for the job.
catapult:動詞,原指用投石機或彈射器投射,引申為指使某人,或某事突然經歷某種狀態(如名氣等),如The award for best actress meant that almost overnight she was catapulted into the limelight.(贏得最佳女演員獎表示她幾乎在一夜間成為眾所矚目的焦點。)
tribulation:名詞,正式用語,指苦難的經驗、煩惱等,如The play is about the tribulations of a family of immigrants in New York.(這齣戲是有關紐約一個移民家庭的苦難經歷。)
swim in something:片語,指陷入某種事物數量太多的狀態,如Every meal was swimming in grease.(每道菜都油膩的不得了。)