Donald Trump steamrolls into Alabama for potentially the biggest US campaign rally of the year Friday, leaving Republican rivals flummoxed over how to contain the political brute now turning the presidential race on its head.
The billionaire real estate mogul has snatched the lion’s share of the attention, interest and support of Republican voters, using a combative tone to lash out at other candidates with a coarseness rarely seen at the top tier of American campaigns.
With more than five months before Iowa and New Hampshire cast the early votes in the party nominating process, Trump leads in polls across the board, leaving the remaining 16 Republican candidates in his dust.
He is a wildly hyperbolic, hugely entertaining non-politician -- and his anti-establishment clarion call has quickly become the loudest voice in US politics.(AFP)
flummox:動詞,使混亂,使不知所措。例句:I was completely flummoxed by your questions.(你的問題讓我不知如何回答。)
leave someone/something in the dust:動詞片語,輕鬆地超越競爭對手或事。例句:Our new marketing strategy has left other competitors in the dust.(我們的新行銷策略輕易地贏過其他競爭者。)
lash out at someone/something:動詞片語,痛擊,痛斥。例句:Three main opposition parties lashed out at the government’s foreign policy.(三大反對黨痛批這個政府的外交政策。)