Police in central England have warned locals to beware of a large, aggressive bird which has gone on the run saying it posed a "very real threat to the public".
The 6ft(1.83m)rhea, a tall flightless bird native to South America, went missing from a private collection in Nottinghamshire, on Tuesday and has not been seen since.
"We are warning local people and particularly those with small children to be on their guard and not to approach the bird, which poses a very real threat to the public due to its size, aggressive nature and the unfamiliar surroundings it could find itself in," said Inspector Paul Peatfield of Nottinghamshire police.
However, bird experts have said the ominous warning might be over-egged.
"It’s a bird that will peg it as soon as it sees you ... it’s been very overrated in terms of the dangerous aspect of it," David Lindo, a broadcaster and writer about birds, told the BBC.(Reuters)
ominous:形容詞,指預兆的、不祥的。例句:Those black clouds look ominous for our weeekend jaunt.(那些烏雲看來對我們的週末小旅行不妙。)
over-egg:動詞,指做得超過所需。例句:You over-egged the pudding.(你做了多此一舉、畫蛇添足的事。)
peg it :口語,指逃跑(run away)。
全通翻譯引用 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=894908&day=2015-07-04