Japan’s public broadcaster has revealed that one of its reporters died from overwork.
NHK said that labor officials had concluded that the 31-year-old political reporter died from heart failure caused by spending long hours on the job.
A government study published last year found that one in five workers is at risk of working themselves to death.
According to a news story published by NHK, Miwa Sado had worked 159 hours of overtime in the month before her death.
The circumstances of Sado’s death in 2013 had not been made public until this week.
NHK said it was taking the death of its employee very seriously. The broadcaster has pledged to reform the way its reporters work.
die from:慣用語,死於……(接原因)。大致來說,die from後接間接死因, die of後接直接死因,但常會混用。例句:There’s a physics joke that goes "it’s not the fall that kills you; it’s the sudden stop at the end". Similarly, if you fell twenty stories, we might say that you died from falling, but you died of massive trauma and bloodloss (caused by the fall).(有個物理笑話是這樣說的,「害死你的不是墜樓,而是最後的驟止」。同樣地,倘若你跌落20層樓,我們也許可以說,你的間接死因是墜樓,但直接死因是(墜樓所導致的)重大創傷與失血。)
at the risk of doing something:慣用語,冒著……的風險。
take someone/something seriously:慣用語,認真以對。例句:Don’t take everything he says so seriously.(別把他說的一切都太當一回事。)
全通翻譯引用 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=1160416&day=2017-12-15