A college in Massachusetts is standing up to President Donald Trump by offering a scholarship to students that come from the seven predominately Muslim countries recently placed on an immigration ban list.
Wheaton College’s "refugee scholarship" will prioritize students seeking immediate entrance to the U.S., in the hope that Trump’s ban will be lifted soon.
"The Wheaton Refugee Scholarship will cover all costs of attendance and will be awarded to a refugee student from a war-torn nation," the school announced. "Selection preference will be for a qualified student from one of the seven nations outlined in the president’s executive order on immigration:Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen."
Wheaton says people from the affected countries "have faced extraordinary hardships and we believe it is our responsibility as global educators to make this commitment at this time."
Trump’s ban on refugees led to protests at airports across the nation. Even within the State Department, 900 employees formally denounced the president’s actions.
stand up to:抵抗、勇敢面對。例句:She stood up to a bully who used to bully her good friend.(她勇敢對付經常霸凌她好友的惡霸。)
war-torn:受戰爭破壞的、受戰爭蹂躪的。例句:Aleppo is one of the most war-torn cities in Syria.(阿勒坡是敘利亞最受戰火蹂躪的城市之一。)
make a commitment:作出承諾。例句:He made a commitment to pay bills on time.(他承諾準時支付帳單。)