Two journalists were just doing their jobs near Davis Elementary School in Texas. Then, they had an unexpected encounter.
Reporter Homa Bash tweeted that she and photographer C.J. Johnson were approached by police responding to a call that a "Hispanic-looking woman and black man with a suspicious white truck and camera" were near a school.
Bash, who joined the station from Cleveland last month, is of Indian descent. Johnson is black.
Bash’s tweet struck a nerve in a country grappling with racial tensions. It has been retweeted more than 43,000 times since Wednesday afternoon. Commenters offered apologies, observations about racial profiling and stories of their own encounters with police.
strike/touch/hit a nerve:慣用語,(談論某特定主題而)觸及痛處或要害,令人不悅煩躁。例句:The newspaper article touched a raw nerve -people still resent the closure of the airlines company.(該報的這篇報導觸及痛處——民眾仍對該公司關門憤恨難平。)
grapple with something:慣用語,試圖解決、對付或克服問題。例句:Many people in the United States are still grappling with the issue of race.(許多美國人仍要對付種族議題。)
全通翻譯引用自 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=1062488&day=2016-12-16