Italy’s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi brushed aside international outrage from earlier this month on Sunday to make reference once again to US president-elect Barack Obama’s "suntan."
He told ANSA news agency his initial remark was intended as a "compliment," adding that he is equally "envious" of black supermodel Naomi Campbell.
"My compliment to Barack is a little envious," said Berlusconi, who had what he described as a "long, cordial" telephone conversation with the new occupant of the White House on November 7.
"We would all like to be tanned like Naomi Campbell and Obama," said the self-made billionaire during a press conference in Pescara, Italy.
Italian-born French first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy was so outraged at Berlusconi’s initial comment about Obama being "young, handsome and even tanned," she said she was "happy" to have "become French."
unrepentant︰堅不悔過的、頑固不化的。例句︰His father is an unrepentant believer in free enterprise. (他的父親是堅信自由企業制的人。)
brush aside︰漠視、置之不理。例句︰She was very hurt when you brushed her aside.(你冷落她,讓她非常傷心。)
self-made︰自製、自造、靠自己努力而成功的。例句︰His grandfather was a self-made millionaire.(他的祖父是白手起家的百萬富翁。)
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