
Whether heads of government die prematurely is a long-debated question, and research has yielded conflicting results. For example, one study held that presidents might age twice as quickly as the overall American population while in office. Another study found no significant effect on the life expectancies of U.S. presidents.


Now, the largest statistical study of its kind, examining elections held in 17 countries from 1722 to 2015, has found that elected heads of government lived 2.7 fewer years and experienced a 23 percent greater risk of premature death than the defeated office seekers.


The analysis tested the hypothesis that elected presidents, prime ministers and chancellors experience accelerated aging and premature death because of the stresses of political life.


The authors compared 279 elected heads of government with the 261 runners-up whom they defeated and who never served as heads of state. The researchers determined the number of years each competitor lived after the last election in which they ran, and compared the findings with the average life span for an individual of the same age and sex in each candidate’s country during the election year.



yield:動詞,產出,得出。例句:Favourable weather yielded a good crop.(好天氣帶來好收成。)

hold:動詞,相信,確信。例句:Small amounts of alcohol are held to be good for the heart.(少量飲酒據信對心臟有好處。)

significant:形容詞,顯著的,重要的。例句:There has been a significant increase in the number of women students in recent years.(近年來,女學生的人數顯著增加。)

全通翻譯引用自 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english...

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