
China has unwound its one-child policy, for decades a symbol of invasive and coercive government planning, but the shift has been met with a disinterested shrug from many younger couples.


"People are thinking: Why increase our burden by having another baby?" said Wu Tingting, a young mother pushing her one-year-old daughter in a stroller in the southern city of Zhuhai on Friday.


The ruling Communist Party announced on Thursday that all families in China will be eligible to have a second child, its biggest social policy shift in three decades, in a move to ease the burden of a fast-ageing society at a time of slowing economic growth.


Wu, the young woman in Zhuhai, said prior to the policy change, she would have been fined 200,000 yuan if she had a second child. The fine will now be removed, but she remains ambivalent about another child.


"(People)will think about giving more to their existing child... and maybe spend more on education and travel, see more of the world," she said. (Reuters)



lukewarm:形容詞,微溫的,不太熱中的、不太有興趣的。例句:Our proposal received only a lukewarm response from clients.(客戶對我們的提案反應冷淡。)

unwind:動詞,心情放鬆,鬆開,解除。例句:A seaside resort is a ideal place to unwind.(海濱度假村是使人放鬆心情的理想所在。)

ambivalent:形容詞,不確定是與否的,態度矛盾的。例句:I am ambivalent about getting married.(我對於要不要結婚感到矛盾。)全通翻譯引用自 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english..

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