He’s swung around skyscrapers and leapt off buildings, and now Tom Cruise is back in the blockbuster action-movie franchise "Mission: Impossible". And in the latest instalment, he adds a new feat - clinging to the side of a plane as it takes off.
The 53-year old Hollywood star returns as Ethan Hunt in "Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation", his fifth stint as the secret agent, serving up the usual action-packed and nail-biting scenes.
It has been nearly 20 years since the first "Mission: Impossible" film came out, and Cruise said that while he now may be older, he keeps pushing himself.
In the film, the Impossible Mission Force has been disbanded and Hunt and his team face off with the sinister Syndicate organisation. The film is partly set in Vienna, where Thursday’s premiere was held.
blockbuster:名詞,賣座(電影、小說等)、大轟動。例句:The movie is expected to be the biggest blockbuster of the summer.(這部電影預計將是今夏最賣座的鉅片。)
nail-biting:形容詞,令人焦慮的;名詞為焦慮、咬指甲。例句:There are some nail-biting scenes near the end of the movie.(電影快結尾時,有一些令人心驚的場面。)
push oneself:片語,鞭策自己、奮發。例句:You will never succeed if you do not push yourself.(如果你不鞭策自己,永遠也不會成功。)
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