McDonald’s swears up and down that the little yellow ``Minions’’ Happy Meal toy is speaking only nonsense words and not something a little more adult.
Experts say the company may be right, and the curse words many hear may be tied to how our brains are primed to find words even when they’re not really there.
A toy bought by The Associated Press made a sound that could be interpreted as the phrase often abbreviated as ``WTF.’’
Another phrase sounded like it could be ``Well I’ll be damned.’’ The sound quality of the toy makes it hard to say definitively who is right.
The little yellow Minion characters speak a nonsense language and McDonald’s Corp. said the Minion Caveman toy makes three sounds _ ``ha ha ha,’’ `’para la bukay,’’ and ``eh eh.’’
Nonsense speech will sometimes sound a bit like a real language, and experts say human brains are also wired to look for meaning in noise and images. So people will sometimes hear words in gibberish _ including words they might think are inappropriate.(AP)
swear up and down:動詞片語,強烈地說明某事是真的。例句:He swears up and down that he has never cheated on his girlfriend.(他強調他未曾對他女友不忠。)
wire:動詞,使傾向於、自然地做某事;wired,(俚語)興奮的(如受酒精、藥物影響)、緊張不安的。例句:I’m wired about the job interview.(我對這場工作面試感到緊張不安。)
gibberish:名詞,快速說出一連串語意不清的話。例句:He was so wired that he could only talk gibberish.(他興奮到胡言亂語。)