Tim Cook welcomed students into the working world this weekend by giving the commencement address at George Washington University’s graduation ceremony.


Cook spoke about Apple’s status as a force for good in the world. More importantly, he got in a great dig at the expense of Apple’s iPhone competitors.


“They’ve asked me to make a standard announcement about silencing your phones,” Cook told the audience. “So those of you with an iPhone, just place it in silent mode. If you don’t have an iPhone, please pass it to the centre aisle; Apple has a world-class recycling program.”


On a more serious note, Cook talked about Martin Luther King Jr., President Jimmy Carter, growing up in Alabama, and working alongside Steve Jobs.


Cook discusses Jobs’ return to Apple in the late ’90s, saying, "In 1997 or 1998, Apple had been adrift for years," but that Jobs was "an idealist" who believed he could make the company thrive again with a little optimism and elbow grease.


"I met someone who made me question everything, who upended all of my assumptions in the very best way... That was Steve Jobs."



get in a dig/take a dig at somebody:動詞片語,嘲諷、挖苦某人。例句:He took this opportunity to take a dig at me.(他利用這個機會挖苦我。)

elbow grease:名詞(非正式用語),費勁完成某事。例句:You need to put some elbow grease to get things done.(為了把事情完成,你需要加把勁。)

upend:動詞,顛倒;徹底改變、推翻(觀念、認知等)。例句:New technology will upend traditional business models.(新科技將徹底改變傳統商業模式。)

全通翻譯引用 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=885307&day=2015-06-01


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