A woman who bashed President Nicolas Maduro on the head with a mango has been promised a new house for her troubles in a surreal tale that has gone viral in Venezuela.
The 52-year-old president was driving a bus through a crowd last weekend in the central state of Aragua when someone in the crowd tossed the fruit at him.
"It says: ’If you can, call me’," the former bus driver said, as he displayed the fruit with a name and phone number scrawled on it on television.
"Marleny Olivo had a problem with her house. (Officials) called her. She was scared. She couldn’t believe it was true. ... I’ve approved an apartment for you, Marleny, as part of the ’Grand Venezuelan Housing Mission’," he added, vowing to eat the mango.
Venezuela’s ever ebullient cybersphere did not miss a beat. "If for a mango they give you apartments, then you know what to do: throw him a pineapple!" quipped Dolar Today, a website is hated by Maduro.
委國極為亢奮的網路世界不錯過任何枝節。「如果一顆芒果就送公寓,那麼你知道該做什麼:砸他鳳梨!」馬杜羅厭惡的網站Dolar Today揶揄說。
Shortages of food and medicine caused by strict currency controls have taken a heavy toll, particularly the poor. "A mango shortage is coming, let’s line up to throw them at Maduro and get a new house!" one Twitter user joked.
ebullient:形容詞,奔放的、沸騰的。例句:He is in a very ebullient mood.(他興致極高。)
take a heavy toll:片語,造成重大傷亡或損失。例句:Rising rivers in the South in March took a heavy property toll.(南部3月間河水上漲,造成重大財產損失。)
line up:片語,整隊、排隊,邀聚。例句:They have lined up a lot of support for their candidate.(他們為自己的候選人爭取到很多支持。)
全通翻譯引用 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=881818&day=2015-05-20