A flying, buzzing harbinger of spring briefly upstaged President Barack Obama at the annual White House Easter egg roll.
Squeals and shrieks from a clump of agitated children interrupted Obama’s reading of his childhood favorite, Maurice Sendak’s "Where the Wild Things Are".
Obama looked up to see what the trouble was.
"Oh no, it’s a bee!" he said, laughing, then quickly tried to reassure the kids. "That’s OK guys, bees are good. They won’t land on you. They won’t sting you."
In fact, helping honeybees and other beleaguered pollinators survive is a goal of Obama’s administration. Elsewhere at the event, children were given seeds to encourage them to plant bee-friendly habitats.
But the kids ducking and dodging in their hay-bale seats had no interest in being part of this bee’s habitat. "Scary!" one of them shouted.
Officials said more than 35,000 people took part in the 137th egg roll, an event that began in 1878. (AP)
pesky:形容詞,惱人的。例句:I’ve been trying to get rid of this pesky guy for weeks.(我已試圖擺脫這個惱人的傢伙好幾週了。)
harbinger:名詞,預告,預示。例句:The warm weather is a harbinger of spring.(溫暖的天氣預告春天即將到來。)
upstage:動詞,將注意力(從某人或事物上)搶走。例句:We don’t want the flower girl upstaging the bride.(我們不希望這名花童搶走新娘的風采。)