
全通翻譯引用自 民視英語新聞:


City government wants developers to pay for additional development rights (2014/03/18)

The Taipei City government plans to introduce a new transfer of development rights system that it believes will bring greater fairness to an often abused system. By creating a building bulk bank, it will force developers to pay into a public fund if they desire to purchase extra floor space for development projects. 

New property developments sprouting up around Taipei are made possible in part due to the transfer of development rights. Referred to legally as the transfer of building bulk, developers that own building bulk on one piece of land can transfer this bulk to another piece of land. There, they can create additional floor space. A change could be in store, however, for this system.

Hau Lung-bin
Taipei Mayor
The current building bulk system involves purchases and sales by private entities. Information is neither open nor transparent, so many private landowners end up being exploited by middlemen. Urban building bulk is a public resource that should be acquired through the city government. This is why we decided to launch the building bulk bank.

Developers that want to add more building bulk in the future would have to pay cash over to the city government. The city government is supposed to use the money on new public infrastructure or urban renewal projects. 

Hau Lung-bin
Taipei Mayor
The government serves as the banker in the building bulk bank system. The benefits that come from adding building bulk go to the people. Through building bulk banks, urban renewal will proceed smoothly. It will produce a win-win situation for new and old sections of the city.

The Hau administration would like to see the plan pass city council at the end of this month. It would then be implemented in as early as three years.



[[台北市長 郝龍斌]]


[[台北市長 郝龍斌]]
“容積銀行這個制度,就是政府做莊,然後容積增額的利益,歸屬到全民,我們透過容積銀行方式,讓都市更新順利進行 新區舊區能夠創造雙贏”



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