If you’ve ever travelled to Seattle, you’ve likely visited the famous Gum Wall at Pike Place Market. And if you haven’t, you’d better hurry up, because it’s getting scrubbed down for the first time in 20 years.
The wall, which was once named the second-germiest tourist attraction in the world, is cleaned regularly with a steamer. But this will be the first time all the gum—an estimated 1 million pieces—will be removed, the Seattle Times reports. Why? Because the chemicals, sugar and additives in the gum are starting to wear on the building’s brick exterior.
The gum will be removed with an industrial steam machine, which will melt it until it falls to the ground. Then a crew of two or three people will collect it in five-gallon buckets. The entire job is expected to cost $4,000 and will begin Tues., Nov. 10.
After the cleaning is over, people will be allowed to keep the tradition going by adding more gum.
scrub:動詞,刷洗。例句:He scrubbed the old saucepan clean, and it looked as good as new.(他把舊的平底鍋擦得光亮,看起來就像新的一樣。)
attraction:名詞,吸引力,吸引人的東西。例句:Life in London has so many attractions - nightclubs, good restaurants and so on.(倫敦生活有很多吸引人的地方,像是夜總會、不錯的餐廳等。)
wear:動詞,磨損。例句:I’m very fond of this shirt but it’s starting to wear at the collar.(我非常喜歡這件襯衫,但它的領口已開始磨損。)全通翻譯引用自 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english..