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A movie about the life of German Chancellor Angela Merkel looks set to hit the big screen in 2017 under plans announced by a TV production company on Tuesday.


But the big question of who will take on the role of the 60-year-old often described as the world’s most powerful woman is not expected to be decided until later this year, said the company, AVE.


Merkel -- a pastor’s daughter and trained scientist who was raised in communist East Germany -- became Germany’s first female chancellor in November 2005.


During the last election year in 2013, the notoriously guarded conservative leader revealed small glimpses into her private life -- saying she finds "nice eyes" attractive in men and can easily handle an all-night summit without sleep.



look set to:片語,很有可能(做某事)。例句:Gas prices look set to rise in Australia.(澳洲天然氣價格可能會上揚。)

take on:片語,取得、承擔、接受。例句:They are not taking on any new employees this summer.(他們今夏不會僱用新人。)

glimpse:名詞,瞥見、一瞥;動詞指瞥見、看一眼。例句:We glimpsed him through the window.(我們從窗戶瞥見他。)

全通翻譯引用自 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english...


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