France’s interior minister has ordered a ban on the low-cost car-sharing service UberPOP after a day of nationwide protests by taxi drivers.
Bernard Cazeneuve said the service was "illegal" and ordered police and prosecutors to enforce its closure.
His announcement followed a day of sometimes violent protests by French taxi drivers, who say the US-based firm Uber is stealing their livelihoods.
US rock singer Courtney Love Cobain was caught up in the unrest.
She tweeted her frustration, saying her taxi had been ambushed as she left the airport.
The musician shared an image of the window of her car spattered with egg, and thanking two motorcyclists she said rescued her.
France’s taxi drivers - who have to pay thousands of euros for a licence - say they are being unfairly undercut by UberPOP.
"Many taxis drivers are infuriated," Abdelkader Morghad, a representative of the FTI taxi union, told Bloomberg.
He said a law that forbids unlicensed drivers to carry paying passengers should be implemented.
France’s licensed drivers have lost between 30% and 40% of their income over two years because of the growth of UberPOP, Mr Morghad said.
be/get caught up in something:動詞片語,陷入、捲入某事或情境。例句:I was so caught up in work that I forgot our date.(我完全沉浸在工作,以至於忘了我們的約會。)
undercut:動詞,削價搶生意。例句:Online shops undercut traditional retailers by 20%.(網路商店以降價兩成的幅度,和傳統零售店搶生意。)
infuriate:動詞,使人惱怒。例句:His arrogant attitude infuriates me.(他自大傲慢的態度惹惱我。)
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