

For at least 10 percent of China’s population, the future can hinge on a blood test.


While China is home to an estimated one-third of the world’s hepatitis B carriers, it’s also a place where those with the virus are routinely rejected by employers and schools, spurned by friends and romantic partners. And while discrimination isn’t going away, the nation’s hepatitis sufferers have new means, some legal and some deceitful, to battle bias.


In recent years, a plethora of websites has emerged where China’s hepatitis carriers can hire “gunmen” to take blood tests on their behalf. Hired guns can be paid to take just about any test in China these days and blood screening is no exception. For between $125 to $300, gunmen with no viral infections show up at pre-employment health exams and, essentially, give job candidates with hepatitis equal footing.


“Their business is really good right now,” said Yang Zhanqing, executive director of the Beijing Yirenping center, which offers legal aid to discrimination victims.


It’s no surprise the shady services have become popular, given how those with the virus are cut off from work and education opportunities once their status is disclosed.



spurn:動詞,輕蔑地拒絕; 摒棄;唾棄。例句:She spurned his proposal to her.(她不屑地拒絕了他的求婚。)

just about:片語,幾乎;差不多。例句:That is just about all you need to do.(你做這樣就差不多了。)

plethora:名詞,過多。例句:The report contained a plethora of detail.(報告中細節過多。)


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